Our Mission is to serve communities and to create sustainable futures around the world.


“For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, a stranger and you welcomed me.”

Matthew 25: 40

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How we began.

We are a group of lay volunteers who started this non-profit after a plea from a small village in Nigeria. Founded in 2018, we are working tirelessly to do what we can for our brothers and sisters in need.


Changing the world is possible. We’ve done it before.

Divine Mercy Ministries International Inc., serves to work with communities to increase aid for quality education and proper nutrition for underprivileged children and young adults.


We strive to create sustainable jobs and sustainable futures for the incarcerated who have served their terms; to improve and ensure sanitation, provide sustainable and viable jobs for disadvantaged families, and for any other lawful purposes which will serve to fulfill this mission and the purpose of this organization.

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