
The Seminarian Sponsorship Program

The Seminarian Sponsorship Program through DMMI is comprehensive and the impact it has on the lives of the young men discerning the priesthood is immeasurable.

This year four young men hearing the call to the priesthood in Nigeria have been blessed to each receive a full seminarian sponsorship through DMMI by a generous donor.

Poverty often prevents a young man from being able to enter the seminary. In Nigeria the daily hardships are daunting. Hopes and dreams of a future vocation are often not realized due to a lack of access to funds, jobs and a proper education.

With the support of generous donors like you, the journey to the priesthood can become a reality for so many young men responding to God’s call to serve and to spiritually feed those in need of His merciful love and spiritual guidance.

Your donation will help to provide:

  • a seminarian's tuition for his academic year

  • coverage for books, room and board, meals, medical care, all transportation

  • additional stipends for retreats and recreation

  • cover costs for a seminarian’s cassocks, surplices, sandals and dress shoes all attire which is required for seminarians

Whoever is generous to the poor lends to the Lord, and he will repay him for his deed.
— Proverbs 19:17

“Greetings in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ the Divine Mercy Incarnate! From the depths of my heart, I remain ever grateful to God, to my sponsor, and to you Fr. Nnadozie, MDM. The support and contributions given by my sponsor through DMMI and through you Father have had a great impact on my spiritual formation during this academic year of 2020/2021. Seriously Father, I felt loved and at the same time privileged to know you. Thanks a lot dearest Father and may God continue to bless you abundantly”



DMMI Children
Sponsorship Alliance

The call for sponsorship of marginalized children of Nigeria is most urgent. Help us to meet the critical needs of children from infancy to young adulthood.

The DMMI Sponsorship Alliance provides the opportunity for donors to become involved in a disadvantaged child’s life as their advocate, their angel guardian and as their friend in Christ.

Tragically, 10.5 million children in Nigeria have no access to education. This is the highest population of school children out of school in the world! 60% of girls are illiterate and 40% of boys are also illiterate. Out of the 10.5 million children, 60% of these marginalized children are from northern Nigeria where Fr. Nnadozie serves. Girls are at a great disadvantage due to a low cultural misconception of the value of education. Girls at a very young age are also pressured into marriage.

This year, through the DMMI Children Sponsorship Alliance, seven children from the Northern region of Nigeria have been blessed to receive an educational sponsorship from a generous family.

Every child deserves the gift of a well-rounded, safe, and a joy filled education. Please, join us in serving these precious children of Nigeria. Help these disadvantaged children to reach their fullest potential and help them to become the people God intends them to be. Your tax-deductible gift of sponsorship for a child will open the door of hope for a better tomorrow.

Be an angel guardian today!

Your donation will help provide:

  • a disadvantaged child with their tuition costs for the year

  • coverage for their schoolbooks, school supplies, uniforms, sturdy shoes and sandals

  • access to proper nutrition, access to medical care, and the opportunity for exercise and recreation.

Our Labor is brief here but the reward is eternal.
— St. Clare of Assisi