“It’s not how much we give but how much love we put into giving.”

– Mother Theresa

Our Founders Story

Where it all began.

It all began with a friend request on Facebook. Two years ago on June 1, 2018 a friend request from a Nnadozie Williams appeared on my Facebook page. The name caught my attention. Curious, I thought, who is Nnadozie Williams? So, I clicked on the picture to discover that this friend request invite was from a priest from Nigeria! I also discovered that we shared a few mutual friends, one being a priest friend of mine from Rhode Island. Little did I know that by clicking that accept button from Fr. Nnadozie that my life would change in an astounding and beautiful way.

Father Nnadozie soon reached out to me in friendly Nigerian fashion. “Greetings from Nigeria! Hello, how are you Ma’am? I am Fr. Nnadozie Williams.” 

Our initial conversations via text were simple pleasantries, but not long after we had introduced ourselves, Fr. Nnadozie began to share with me his love for the priesthood and his great passion for the Apostolates he had founded, Shalom Touch A Life Ministries. His Apostolates were founded to serve the orphaned, the imprisoned, and the disadvantaged youth, and in service of the young seminarians in formation for the priesthood. Father shared with me his keen desire to raise monetary funds as well as material donations for those in great need of help.

Expressing to me how dire the circumstances were for his flock in Nigeria, I became sincerely compelled to assist him in whatever way I could. I began by prodding him with many questions regarding how he was doing with his mission. How was he raising funds? Was he working with a group to fund-raise? 

 Father Nnadozie had already made several attempts to raise awareness of the plight of his people in Nigeria with little or no success. The individuals he had approached were slow and reluctant to respond to his genuine and urgent pleas to help the impoverished of his beloved country. Father continued to remain hopeful and he was unwavering in his desire to serve those around him who were so in need of his help. 

My heart was being strongly prompted to work alongside this wonderful and dedicated priest. About a month after correspondence, I proposed the idea to Father of forming a charitable organization in the United States to serve to assist him with his work with the Apostolates so dear to him.

Father was intrigued with my proposal but unfamiliar with the steps involved. We chatted back and forth about it and I agreed to research the steps involved in starting a 501 c (3). 

Dream it.

Really, I had no clue about where to begin. I then thought, “What am I doing?” “If I explore all of this, then what?” “Do I dare start a charity?” 

I knew I needed to pray and to spend time with God discerning what could be done. I posed the question, “Are You wanting this Lord?” “Show me what to do?”

Soon after my question was placed before God, an incredible journey began to take root. The doors quickly began to open after my initial web search of starting a non-profit. 

In a conversation one day, I mentioned to my dear friend Laurie of how I had randomly met Fr. Nnadozie. I spoke to her of my conversations and of how I so wanted to help Father somehow with his mission. I asked her to pray. I mentioned the idea of possibly forming a non-profit to assist him. Laurie was very supportive. She loved the thought of it.

I later spoke with another close friend Fred, who being an attorney, was very familiar with charitable organizations. I came to understand how intense and what a huge task this would be. Fred too was very supportive. He graciously volunteered to draft the By-Laws on the spot and without hesitation! Just like that and he offered to do this without accepting any fee!

Build it.

Lots of prayer went behind the process of forming Divine Mercy Ministries International (DMMI). Once the By-Laws were drafted by Fred, a Board of Directors and a name for the organization were needed. Three friend’s names immediately came to mind. I soon approached Laurie and Fred as they had been so helpful with support and suggestions. I then asked Matthew, a long- time friend who being a financial advisor could possibly serve as the treasurer on the board. Through more discussions with Father Nnadozie, he recommended two of his dear friends who had faithfully supported him during his seminary years, Matthew and Robbie who lived here in the U.S. 

I took a deep breath, prayed and approached each person. All of them gave their yes and all continue to give their full support on this incredible journey! What a truly amazing, faith – filled, dedicated and gifted team to work alongside! 

The government swiftly accepted our application which does not always happen. Exactly one year later on the exact date of when Father Nnadozie Williams had sent me a friend request, the newly formed board of Divine Mercy Ministries International, Inc., held its first meeting on Saturday, June 1, 2019. I did not realize the correlation between the two dates until I just happened to notice the date of my first conversation with Father on messenger was the same date of our meeting. God was working indeed!

Where we are now.

Along this wonderful journey, we have been blessed with the assistance of two amazing Nigerian men in Rhode Island who assist Divine Mercy Ministries International with very successful, innovative, and inexpensive ways to both ship material goods and to wire funds safely and securely to Father in Nigeria. 

Our dedicated DMMI team has worked tirelessly to successfully send several large shipments of much needed material goods such as children’s clothing, sandals and school supplies to Father Nnadozie to distribute to the orphanage he assists at. 

A growing partnership and a growing friendship continues with our good friend Father Nnadozie. The Board of Divine Mercy Ministries International Inc. looks forward to seeing this strong partnership flourish as we continue to help to create a brighter future for the beautiful people of Nigeria.