Our President

Dawn Cousineau is the President and Founder of Divine Mercy Ministries International. Since a young age she has had a passion for mission work and for helping those less fortunate.

Since 1990, Dawn has been a Rhode Island resident and active volunteer for various organizations throughout the state.  She has served the elderly poor at St. Jeanne Jugan Nursing Home for 10 years, feeding and serving the homeless at St. Vincent DePaul Society in Providence, hitting the streets to reach the homeless during the winter months providing socks, mittens, gloves and hats through the ‘And You Fed Me’ program in Providence.  


She once exclaimed to her father as a young girl that she wanted to have her own orphanage. Later, as a teenager, she was inspired by St. Mother Theresa of Calcutta and her tireless efforts in service to the poorest of the poor. At age eighteen, she had a rare opportunity to travel with her high school senior class to Honduras. This journey totally humbled her and transformed her world view. Dawn’s heart mission then firmly became to better the lives of those marginalized by poverty.

This resolve has carried with her throughout the years in commitment to serving those less fortunate. For several years, Dawn was a dedicated participant in the annual Walk for Hunger, a twenty mile walk in Boston Massachusetts, helping to raise awareness and funds for the homeless. She helped to form a young adult group devoted to serving the disadvantaged elderly at The Little Sisters of the Poor, Pawtucket, RI. She encouraged the youth to grow in charity by serving lunches to the residents, planting flowers, putting on performances, and helping to serve at various events held at St. Jeanne Jugan Residence. During the past two years, she has served as a volunteer doula serving for struggling expectant mothers at First Concern Pregnancy Resource Center in Clinton, Massachusetts. 

Besides her passion to serve to enhance the lives of those less fortunate, Dawn has raised five beloved children. For thirteen years, she has worked as a dedicated caregiver for the elderly. She has presently started a new career as a birth doula. Dawn is grateful to serve God as a mother, as a wife, and as a loving neighbor to all whom she meets. 

Her maxim: “Mercy is the flower of love. God is love and mercy is His deed.”  (from the Diary of St. Faustina).

Her favorite pass times: Hiking, Swimming, Cooking, Singing, and spending time with her family and her friends.